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The nun of charity, comedy and the occasional holy scandel


Sister OMG is a native of Indiana but has lived in the metroplex for nearly 10 years. She is spunky, fun and loving. Charity and community service keep her going in her heels and habits. Sister OMG is proud to be a fully professed Sister of the DFW Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and is always packing (Bliss kits). OMG it's me! Blessed Be!


Sister O.M.Gee


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Big Sister

Sister Patty O’Furniture


Sister Char Cuteries


Oct 13, 2024


I hope to embrace the diverse communities that make up our LGBTQIA+ family in DFW and across Texas. I hope to expand partnerships and relationships with different organizations to better support those in need. I look forward to the opportunity to use the tools provided by those Sisters who came before me to better support my community in any way I can. 


Little Sisters

Nun so far…


Nun so far…

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